A Perfect Smoothie

Bruce, Founder and President of Boulder Salt, has been making smoothies just about every day for most of the past two decades, which by his own estimate adds up to over 10,000 smoothies! So what does a guy who has been studying nutrition for most of his life put in HIS smoothies? Here’s the answer:

Organic frozen strawberries, blueberries, peaches ( lots of phytonutrients and anti-oxidants)
Fresh spinach (phytonutrients and vitamins)
Udo’s Choice Perfected Oil Blend (truly balanced mixture of omega 3, 6 & 9)
Oat milk (oat fiber and protein)
Whey protein, rice protein, pea protein, (blend of both plant and animal-based proteins which provides the optimum ratio of amino acids that the body needs)
Walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts (good source of fats, protein and a great source of minerals)
Lecithin (acts as an emulsifier for the fats and provides a key nutritional component for the brain, and nerve transmission)
Chia seeds (fiber, protein and minerals)

“These are not your typical high carb/high sugar smoothies,” explains Bruce. “They are high in good fats, relatively high in protein, and run about 900 kcal. My smoothies are truly meals, holding my appetite in check for over 4 hours. If a person tried to get this much nutrition in a traditional meal, it would overwhelm the digestive track, leaving them feeling lethargic – and the body would ultimately have to store much of the food as fat. With high quality ingredients and balanced nutrition, my smoothie recipe tastes great, energizes me, stabilizes my blood sugar and keeps me satiated until my next meal!”